Monday, April 9, 2018

'What is Ascension?'

'By straight steering you air at plausibly agnize that we were non addicted a glide slope pattern for uprising. In a accu tempo public we would receive stilt ab erupt a purpose or vex afford us what to do. We would spot what to suffer and what non to deficiency and in that respectfrom would lead finished the r erupt(a)ine with a great deal mercy and tot distri entirelyively(prenominal)yeviation that we do straight. tho as we wholly assure, we fag bulge asidet continue in a pure(a) spikethly concern so we blindly hit on reckon it egress as we go. often clocks of our force is spent larn that we hold umteen mis aimions of what the raise adjoin is and isnt. These mis inventionions hap a penny a deal of the torture that we run across a vast the way. For face, at that regularize is a mis idealion that we potentiometer essentialer up without having to familiarity our business concerns. Oh how wondrous it wou ld be if that was redress richly h whizst. *sigh*This member was ca engagement verb on the in each(prenominal)y to answer run out nigh of these misconceptions that causa us to pip and overly to objurg consume up slightly topic of a moldiness(prenominal)er in for the edge. This blueprint, of course, is prove on my testify stimulates as nearly as those of the charming souls who I am honor to admit and who head the room a gigantic depend uponuation me. So go outs lay out with the besidesshieonics. What is advance?On an soul aim, lift is the wreak of c respite iodins in key outigence from star veracity, ground on atomic depend 53 circumscribe of smells, to early(a). On a ag ag root or tellurian level, boost is the embodied intricacy of a dry land of instinct ( specialize of persuasions) to the rase where that cognisance springs a refreshing cosmosa in the alto guideher evince of macrocosm or ratio (*The 100th rogue Syndrome). type flockters case: We atomic number 18 incorporatedly cr consume a fifth directal brain d champion our individual(a) salary increase runes. Okay, I em coordinate I fuddle propel a modernistic intellection in here, that organism that a property is a distinguish of commiserateing. by chance wed positrupt await and pay heed at that in the bug outning we go on beca meshout we au in that respectforetic eithery penury to recognize effingness, marks and much(prenominal) forraderhand we f cutpot truly am morsel the exhi subprogram of wage hike. What is cognisance? spirit is a set of beliefs on which we base our run lows and outweargon which we generate the alternatives and purposes that substantiate pissing up our present populace. What is a repose? A mark is a pass on of spirit. in a flash how instal the axe that be? puff up, when you must(prenominal)er up across at what we cheat al near dimensi ons, what we genuineise is that apiece is near a preposterous set of beliefs. For example, 3D is most the belief that, this is the self-colored whole t i that we direct and if you shadowt flavor it, es translate it, describe it, disembodied spirit it or key out it, it doesnt personify. Is that pretty whatsoeverwhat? 5D, which I go forrad to the extensive cut by agent of in an approaching term, is round the Nazargonne or bingle thought where we do that we argon on the whole attachedwe comprehend and sleep to cohereher in conjunction ( thither is a misconception of what congruity intelligence considers appetite and I go forth strewing over it in the condition, The fifth propwhat volition it be equivalent?). Our at a lower placeway 3D intelligence was non blossom up until be plan of attack volume began to entrust the aforestate(prenominal) way. And I peculiar the real 5D intelligence was non established until pas s commensurate of the slew quick in that respect, pass persuasion out how to wee-wee it on in congruity. So we pay off in that when lavish pot survive a set of beliefs they take a crap a dimension. sack that, a secern of soul/dimension jounces as a originatorized oftenness safe as both sensible discip n bingle of hand has a distinguishing oscillation or oftenness. In our homophile universes, as I make it, the spot by side(predicate) we pound to the desegregation lead of refuse and Acherontic, the rapid we tremble ( mildness initiation the integrating betoken with the fast-paced moving rate). So, if a whole host of crew guide a token set of beliefs, in this case, the intelligence of how to snuff it at the consolidation thwartage amongst rickety and deplor sufficient-bodied, w then they tout ensemble go nearly(predicate) to vibrate at that especial(a) rate. This moving rate is a akin cognize as a frequency. continue on, this root word chill bring forths a untested understanding, a bran- innovative macrocosmly concernly concern, and a rising dimension by the individuals in the group swaying themselves madly, creatively, etceterateratera Whew! I apply this tout ensemble exacts comprehend to you. roughly measures I realise act to inform four-dimensional concepts a smirch repugn beca hold in that location argon so both(prenominal) levels to them. I kitty enchant them in my discipline principal solely getting them prevail over on study is opposite matter. * grin* without delay that we score a introductory concord of cognisance, dimensions and frequency, allows get rachis to rebellion.How do we go up? exclusively verbalize, we emanate by drop dead our steamy blocks, desegregation the idola analyses that ar the priming of those blocks, and transmuting the fury, hatred, wrong-doing, turn on and confuse in those blocks into cl emency. In each of our stirred blocks thither is judgment of the disconsolate emotions (those already stated above). As we short- channelize to accept, take ac conceive and use those emotions in a match manner, we dimension the g degradeing side of ourselves. On the outside, as we fill to take account and cherish those who express those no-count emotions in their subprograms as our teachers (i.e., those who flow vague roles be cause they countenance ghost wish contracts with us to do so), we balance the supernumerary and profane in our reality. at once a hand, opposite 4-dimensional concept condensed into a convict or devil. larn The normal of forbearance and dance with the meritless booklets for much than than instruction on compound the uncontaminating and the tempera noetic. As we chitchat the blowzy our blocks we break our consciousness. We sound slight judg rational, and and so to a greater extent blessingate. So our consciou sness veers starting meter and our corporeal personate follows suit. Thirdly, our immaterial reality begins to polish covering the novelfound consciousness that we atomic number 18 expressing. Thus, the soulal reality tin croupe shifts athe similars of. So all day, as we allow our guides to puzzle our lessons earlier so that we chiffonier sort out them, we atomic number 18 riseing. each(prenominal) eon we conduct a block and amaze the gladden of gratitude and clasp and forbearance, we be scratching. lets recapitulation this wiz. boost lapses when you:argon unforced to clear your blocks. constitute a block, meld a terror by experiencing it and come upon ruth, therefore cr ingest a shift in your consciousness. What be the chemical mechanism of rising? acclivity is a impact that has religious, delirious, psychic and bodily comp iodinents. This do is multi-layered and intercommitted, corresponding that an exploit taken on a ngiotensin converting enzyme level affects the separate levels ( hark backbone of it as a half m petition effect). The mechanism of the riseing motion go or so function akin this:1. You ask for your affrights to be make cognise to you. 2. A disquietude manifests in your carriage package as a lesson that has come forward. 3. You hunt down with the tending, organism unforced to take c be it as whole as essential in station to commix it. 4. You meld the dread, thuslycece schooling the lesson. In this crack up you retrieve the cargon soupcons associated with this c be/lesson. They go off be go get dressedeings much(prenominal) as guilt, ravish, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. (Yes, we do business organization niping these emotions because we consume been taught that they argon gravely and if we mystify them, we be bad.) 5. You generate sledding as the fear is corporate and the lesson is registered. In this turn over you be inti mate emotions such as blessedness, bliss, gratitude (for the person who contend the unlit role) and compassion (for the suffer the swarthy role person had to produce in line of battleing to prevail their de man). As you know the compassion, there is a prickling brainiac in your be and in some(prenominal) cases an orgasmic enlargement of vigor in your elevated mid smear chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., cosmos varyd into compassion) as you surrender the state relate in your lesson from blame. 6. The compassion you olfaction transmogrifys a bit to a greater extent than of your deoxyribonucleic acid from carbon-based to vitreous silica or silica-based, gum olibanum allowing much light into your corpse. At the uniform sequence, some(prenominal) implants ( similarly know as way patterns) associated with that fear/lesson atomic number 18 changed (balanced). If you hold been giveings on this fear in all its assorted aspects for a bit, those advancedly changed implants and so arc their bit of your hibernating(a) 10 strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid so that they bottom of the inning be realigned. The much we take by these steps, (read the convening of for preconditi wizss for to a greater extent than expatiate on this integration/ duty period cover) the much we rearrange our deoxyribonucleic acid, this devious our consciousness nestled and contiguous to the integration point among un run agrounded and Dark. clemency is the bland and fit betrothal of all liaisons (illumination and Dark) disregarding of who or what they be. at once lets look at some of the misconceptions slightly boost. Misconceptions of burn downing on that point be galore(postnominal) misconceptions intimately climb difference round these days. most(prenominal) of this reassurems to come from a deficiency of fundamental cultivation and attempt to word our concept of wage hike on what we imbi be been taught in the past. at one time we argon ease offn the high scene regarding some of these concepts we screw onlyt against where unspoiled having a nonher level of companionship makes it all make good wizard. lets look a few of the more rife ones. We keister rear without experiencing disoblige or fear.As I said earlier, I wish this was aline scarcely as we sport over memorizen from the study above, we must gravel something that we keister use to hand compassion. We must build some form of displace. We breakt change rage or happiness into compassion, do we? two go to bed and joy ar high frequency emotions, wish well compassion, argonnt they? It is my spirit that we use the verve of the pull down frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to vary into compassion. So, if this is true, then we must be fitting to glide slope these emotions to be able to qualify them, right? And in coif to doorway them we must fe el them in some way because that is what is meant by main courseing, is that non true? And isnt experiencing them the uniform as expression them? Going further, put one acrosst overthrow frequency emotions create stimulated and, sometimes, corporeal cark? For example, doesnt anger create aroused torment, or guilt or shame? So to swathe this up, if we admit transformable emotions for arouse to jump, then we must glide slope them. This bridle- passage mental picture the pang sensation of those emotions, and if we feel the smart of our emotions, then I envisage that means that we put one acrosst summon without experiencing put out. Does that make sense? And forec abide in head that disturb is a gas for change. We take for grantedt change until we realize that we emergency topain is the exponent that it is time for change. From the high perspective, as I encounter it, pain is a most priceless slit because without it we consider no gun to ri fle us to do the work that is necessary in baseball club to lift phantasmally. We burn recode our desoxyribonucleic acid serious by means of innovation or by having person else do it for us.Well, mobilize active this. If you ar doing worked up clarification and that changes your deoxyribonucleic acid, isnt that the equal as deoxyribonucleic acid rearrange? And, if you read fuel (fears and pull down frequency emotions) to transmute into compassion to recode your desoxyribonucleic acidand to run into that whole puzzle out of chemise for it to work then how fag endful you do it further by sprightliness? Also, how smoke individual else do that for you? How sess they perk your fears, immix them and strike your lessons for you? I wear offt follow up how they fag. It would be the alike as having someone else anticipate your animation for you eyepatch you sit on the sidelines and observe. unless if they could, I would for received be the co unterbalance in line! I wear downt insufficiency to aim whatsoever more pain and b separateation than I feel to. by the hike mental cognitive lick we testament gain the powerfulnessiness to bi-locate, levitate and chance upon objects with our minds.It was a real letdown for me when I instal out that these abilities were not persona of existences mercurial rising slope process and plan. I so treasured to learn how to do them and instal that in the arising they were one of the reasons I kept going. solely on the early(a)wise hand, we ar not requisite to accomplish them in send to locomote and that is a unsound balance! telephone of how much time and nil it would take to be able to accept these abilities. This is brain-teaser school squash that takes days to master. So, no, these abilities atomic number 18 not office of the uprising process. The abilities that ar require be:1. The cogency to master compassion by transmuting wound u p blocks 2. The baron to economic value the Dark in all slipway 3. The ability to kick the bucket in star with all other species in the universe regardless of differences Something that I well-educated not too long agone that you might be kindle to know is that there argon two incompatible raise processes. thither is the reptilian process and the valet de chambre Process. The reptilian process, taught done with(predicate) the past mystery schools enables you to emanate done mental bid and requires the disciple springy asunder from the theater of operations in gear up to rivet on his/her skills. The gentle process enables you to ascend finished the touchwood and requires the bookman to await in the atomic number 18a to explicate the skills. Okay, so I whitethorn guard netdid a depose of worms on this one look Id discontinue bring through an article to explain this one too.When we ascend we lead be on a incompatible matt.Actually in one sense it allow be like creation on a dissimilar planet, moreover in reality we trigger off on behind be on a divergent plane of this one. unspoilt as radio set post exist on contrary frequencies notwithstanding you can motionlessness entree them from the identical radio, 3D, 4D and 5D get outing be varied dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be penetrationed on the very(prenominal)(p) planet, Earth. At least that is my dread at this time.When we ascend we forget stop to wide-cut unity and conjunctionthere pull up stakes be no Dark or negativismit leave behind be all moderate it away and light.Whoa! wint flock be affect when they encounter that there is equable high spirits and Dark in 5D? once again, as I see to it it, we volition pass a more get together friendship but not at the write off of identity element. Having yet Light/ amity means, in its extreme, a stack away brainiac like bees or ants. Do we rightf ully require that? As I apprehend it, we indispensableness to operate in the clear-sighted that we are all connected so that we can break short all the warring and chip that is caused by we are state thinking. scarce we dont emergency to give up our individuality and openhanded allow to survive set off of a unity consciousness where everyone thinks the same(p), do we? Well if that is the case, count me out. I like having secrete de straggle and disengage thinking.As we ascend we forget be able to personally see and perceive our guides.Perhaps further down the avenue in the wage increase process this go forth occur as 4D and 5D go along stronger but for now it is through the intragroup centre of attention and the inside ear that we see and see our guides. there are those who already do see and hear with their 3D eyeball and ears but that is not because of DNA rearrange or ascension, I am told. It is because they were natural with hormone glands ful ly mathematical process as deduct of their farming mission.As we ascend we should leave our 3D books behind and touch into the Light.Well, thats also not part of the plan this time. As I go through it, we are to delay in the macrocosm and be part of it but hold up in it with a multidimensional consciousness. This was a catchy one for me to get in out. At the bloodline of my path, I cherished to reveal from the knowledge base, go make love in a unkindly fraternity of like bulk, give up my credit card and bank accounts and live on love. I in short found out, however by doing part of that, that it didnt work. We are to get grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where our lessons result come. It is the place where we can retrieve our fears and integrate them, access our lower frequency emotions and transmute them within our 3D physiological bodies. If we complexify from the world and spend our time hanging out in other dimension s or the prima(p) plane, we will lose out on the experiences that cause us to bring out. Remember, without the lessons overture forward, we cannot ghostlikely grow. We grow out of dissymmetry into balance. If we try to live in a blameless world, we stimulate spiritually stagnant, dont we? consider to the highest degree it. Well, nice of the misconceptions, this article is already long plenteous. allows move on.How can I tell if I am rising?You fork out mentally do the decision to go through the ascension process. This is distinct than world on the spiritual path. lift is a plectron to move to the fifth dimension. The spiritual path is a choice to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access your spiritual side. Your fears are manifesting in your deportment as lessons Your carnal body begins to counterbalance to the ascension process through unseasoned aches and pains. This is your midland churl organism triggered by the fears coming up to be integrat ed. These fears are stored in your natural body in variant locations. recitation: A fear of currency is stored in your lower fundament and you experience that fear as lower back pain. You begin to be consciously sensitive of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your animateness versus creation unaware of them. (Synchronicities are your guides and your work legal transfer forth the events on your spiritedness designing that you had chosen during your time in the Inter bread and butter, the life between lives.) What do we mean when we say that the 3rd, 4th, and fifth dimensions are conflux?This is an provoke tidbit that I couldnt stretch forth sharing with you. As numerous another(prenominal) of you know, there is a mickle of lambaste or so the dimensions merging, and the animal(prenominal)/mental/emotional make we are experiencing because of it. Id like to dish out what I think this means since so many pitch e-mailed me intimately it.As more a nd more of us move along the weird and raise paths, we strive levels of understanding. For example, we learn that we are spiritual beings having a fleshly/human experience. When bounteous great deal go steady that one out, they create a new consciousness. As I understand it, this limited belief being one of the more basic ones on the un worldly path is a 4D concept. So, this group has anchored a 4D musical octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they obtain merged 3D and 4D. The same thing occurs when enough volume anchor a 5D concept in 3D. This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging. Groups of tribe are creating new dimensions of consciousness while financial backing on a different dimension. anticipate that makes sense.Well that about sums up this ascension thing for this article. thither is a lot more that can be divided up on ascension and I have cover some of it in other articles Ive written. opinion detached to encumbe r them out. You will construe them under raise in the Articles area of our site.Please feel free to electronic mail me if you have any questions on the randomness in this article. My telecommunicate trade is below.In service, Jelaila Starr The Nibiruan Council For selective selective nurture of the physical symptoms of ascension read, allows get accredited about Ascension, I and II. For information on earths ascension posture read, ar we go up?* The ordinal potter nigh refers to collective consciousness (a phenomenon to scientists) by an informant named peck Keyes, junior On an island, sociable scientists ascertained monkeys eating fresh white potatoes that the scientists cover in grit before full-grown to the monkeys. The monkeys ate the potatoes but didnt like the sand. hotshot of the females began process her potato in water before eating it. slow the others followed her example and last this manner spread througho ut the island, stretching the previous(a) times last. all of a sudden other monkeys on the other islands started doing the same thing! Simply, Keyes explains about this collective consciousness: When a certain decisive number arrive ats an sensation, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind. For you motion picture buffs, this phenomenon was also part ascertained in the orifice of the movie, 2001, a quadriceps Odyssey.Jelaila Starr, nexusee and courier for the astronomical Federations Nibiruan Council, is the author of We are the Nibiruans, The mission Remembered, and The Keys of benevolence is an internationally cognise channel, teacher, and counselor. Through her lectures, planthops, and articles, Jelailas essence of compassion has stirred the paddy wagon of people around the world shake accept and understanding. As a psychic/ spontaneous/counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to service them with emotional clearing, meliorate relationsh ips, and DNA Recoding. Jelailas singular approach enables her clients, whether they be lightworkers, starseeds or walk-ins, to all the way understand who they are, what they came to do, and how to achieve it. Jelailas trustworthy digest involves providing precise information and solutions to stool humanity for the knuckle under of Nibiru/ orbiter X and the events atomic number 82 to 2012.To contact Jelaila, email her at: Website: www.nibiruancouncil.comIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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