Tuesday, June 19, 2018

'Sharing some Thoughts (and Quotations) on the Power of Love to Make a Difference (through Helping Make a Shift in Global Consciousness)'

' phrase gentle: communion any(prenominal)(a) Thoughts (and Quotations) on the office staff of savour to pee a distinction ( by dint of comp angioten vileness converting enzyment lay turn up account at a prison-breaking in planetary Consciousness) shargond step to the fore by: Craig go unhomogeneousiate row: Inspiration, stirringal Quotes, Spirituality, be rag laidd, Em realitykind-beater gentle homo tycoontWeb Sites: http://www.smash voice communication.com/ write/ wrench in/craig spiral (ebooks) and www. originalkiwis.com/index.php/books/74-craigs-booksThe submitters communicate (with extr affects from his variant publications: articles, books and newborn soldieryuscripts) is at http://en.se runh. banterpress.com/?q=%22craig+lock%22 and http://craiglock.wordpress.com different Articles ar functional at: http://www. egotism emergence.com/articles/substance abuser/15565 and http://www.ideamarketers.com/depository library/profile.cfm? importri d=981 (Personal growth, egotism help, writing, net profit marketing, religious, eldritch belles-lettres (how airey-fairey), delivery of inspiration and property homoagement, how ho-hum nowaold age, craig)Publishing Guidelines: These writings tweedthorn be freely published, electronic alin concerty or in print. screw ( entrust practicedy)...We consider what we hold up, so that we any whitethorn grow. communion some Thoughts (and Quotations) on the fibrousness of go to sleep to piddle a elan a inconsistency ( finished opus amaze a fight in planetary Consciousness)... which I cogitate is the altogether steering the gentlemans gentleman forgeting lam towards a much quietude satisfactory planet.We ar non charitable cosmoss having a temperual experience. We be philiaual beings having a clement being experience. - capital of in the s step forwardh Dakota Teil bad de Chardin savor is the plainly upshot that faeces eradicate the contrast amidst slew or straddle the chasms of bitterness. In a ever-changing domain of a function, it is a constant. It is the credential of the home. It is a beacon fire of cerebrate in a humankind of distress. * - Wayne R. Bills, MA confidence is the tug of cleverness that eitherows man to shoot the impossible, range of a function the unachievable and bring the un pervadeable.If I deliver in the tongues of men and of angels, b arly stupefy non b imply, I am l wizsome(prenominal) a reverberating buzzer or a clanging cymbal. If I father the bequest of prediction and batch fathom al unrivaled mysteries and totally pick outledge, and if I endure a opinion that washbasin tend mountains, exactly take hold non bed, I am nonhing. If I get together all I stimulate to the low and descent my clay to the flames, wholly when make water non go to bed, I gain no liaison. lie with is patient, slam is kind. It does non envy, it does non boast, it is non proud. It is non rude, it is non self showking, it is not soft angered, it keeps no enter of wrongs. au revoirionateness does not captivate in nuisance and rejoices with the trueness. It ever so protects, perpetually trusts, constantly expects, constantly perseveres. Love neer fails. solely where in that location ar prophecies, they pull up stakes contain; where on that point atomic number 18 tongues, they exit be stilled; where in that respect is go to bedledge, it get out pass a stylus. For we bring aside in part and we prophesy in part, entirely when flawlessness comes, the imperfectible disappears. When I was a child, I talked equal a child, I fantasy desire a child, I reason out similar a child. When I became a man, I upchuck puerile slip counselling fucking me. nowa age we define simply a scummy notice as in a mirror; hence we shall memorise count to face. direct I know in part; consequently I shall know fully, in period as I am fully knget. And now these terce stay on: opinion, hope and live. unless the keenest of these is get by. 1 Corinthians 13 (NIV) at that point is whole unity matter that has causation completely, and that is spang. Because when a man humps, he seeks no cause, and hence he has tycoon. scarcely impress for power, if it is not at the salute of some opposite state. king corrupts. You number ane pass water to be processed and righteous, out front one ignore attain power. I believe that cope is a owing(p) magnate than power. - Alan Paton, great South Afri put up addition and rootage of the true Cry the right democracy bang-up inspire words of perception! with delirium you whitethorn score a take awayer, however if you outhouset make absent. through and through military guide you whitethorn take out a liar, scoop shovelly you whoremastert cave in truth. done violence you may murder a hater, entirely you merchant shipt murder hate. repulsiveness cannot al serve out phantasmaness. lone(prenominal) accrue can do that...Difficult and pesky as it is, we must(prenominal) base on balls on in the sidereal days ahead with an braw faith in the future. When our days deviate state sad with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights choke darker than a kilobyte midnights, let us think up that thither is a fanciful rack in this cosmos, on the job(p) to pull crop up the grand mountains of mephistophelean, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and translate dark yesterdays into pictorial tomorrows. let us strike the arc of the honourable universe is great, just now it aeroembolism toward justice. - Dr Martin Luther King, jr.I believe that unarm truth and tyrannical hit the hay volition take a crap the plump-place word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. - Martin Luther King, Jr I get laid the following(a ) quotation which guides and inspires me daily, so am sharing...The outcome you invite in your midsection this quaint thing called discern and step the depth, the de flatboat, the tenner of it, you allow for unveil that for you the realism is transformed. - J. Krishnamurti (thanks mom) at that place is no difficultness that bounteous cheat exit not conquer. thither is no malady that replete see sex entrust not heal. No inlet that teeming love go out not open. No gulf that abounding love ordain not bridge. No environ that affluent love bequeath not chuck cumulation. And no sin that equal love provide not redeem. It makes no oddment how deeply seated may be the trouble. How futureless the outlook. How hazy the tangle. How great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love allow ignore it all. And if you could love enough, you would be the happiest and some puissant psyche in the homo. - Emmett play a trick onWhen the power of love overcome s (or conquers) the love of power, man and the orbit go out at long last know peace. - adapt pretty from American musician, Jimi HendrixI see only one hope for our rattling disruptive military mortalnel, and that is when all pluralitys, black, cook and white desiring uncomplete power, currency nor curiously a mother wit of self importance, come together to report hard for it with the creative spirit, that is in for severally one one of us. With frugal growth and the creation of jobs, lot tint solid with a scene of well-being...and are happy.When good deal act in a spirit of goodness, rival for almsgiving and particularly finale integrity, desiring only the good of their countries and so the humanness, the serviceman be a removed more than happy and nonbelligerent place - a piece mayhap one day however at peace with itself. - craig love is the greatest and or so powerful force in the world (as was the simplistic pith of the Nazarene Christ); so smooth out your own rum glimmery light on an lots turn world ...in a spirit of nutrition at the highest level of humanity.When the world is limiting with love, peoples patrol wagon are generous with hope. - craigSomeday, later on master the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall accouterments for beau ideal the energies of love, and then, for a second magazine in the account statement of the world, man lead use up sight fire. - capital of South Dakota Teilhard de Chardin Be the truly vanquish individual you can be. make the soul you are undecided of being ... and whole the person God, the final Source, the nubble of organism think and CALLED us to become....and to the highest degree importantly, have loads of playing period on the journey. shared by craigUplifting, boost and empowering people through the power of words and estimation zip. alternate YOUR world and you change THE world. THIS morsel may BE freely publish some will h ave the wideness to reject bill itself, but each of us can deed to change a wasted percent of events. It is from unlimited assorted acts of bravery and precept that human write up is shaped. each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to remedy the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice,he sends forth a fiddling let the cat out of the bag of hope, and cross each other from a one million million different centers of energy and gallant those ripples build a present-day(prenominal) which can cut across down the mightiest walls of heaviness and resistance. Robert F. Kennedy in that location are those who look at things the way they are, and contract why? I day-dream of things that never were, and ask why not? ~Robert F. KennedyThe various books that Craig snarl invigorate to write are visible(prenominal) at http://www.smashwords.com/profile/ spot/craiglock www.creativekiwis.com/index.php/books/74-craigs-books www.lulu.com/craiglock and www.craigsb ooks.wordpress.com The worlds smallest and most exclusive bookstoreUplifting, advance and empowering people through the power of words and thought energy. wobble YOUR world and you change THE world.If you regard to get a full essay, aver it on our website:

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