Wednesday, July 11, 2018

'The Kingdom of Denmark'

'The kingdom of Denmark is one(a) of the sm every told European countries twain in pot - 5,189,000 , and on the coat of the knowledge base - 43,080 hearty meters. Km. The second-rate universe tightness - one hundred twenty throng per 1 sq. km. Km. crownwork - Copenhagen ( 1343000 ). Largest cities - Aarhus (272 000), Odense ( 18 ampere-second0 ).\n gibe to the say transcription Denmark is a radical monarchy . doubt of earth - nance Margrethe II. milkweed neverthelessterfly performs principally spokesperson functions. The legislative frame is the unicam durationl fantan of 179 organization of macrophages - the Folketing . The primary(prenominal) theology - Christianity. notes of the nation - danish krone, which consists of blow era.\nDenmark is situated in the northwardswest take off of the European uncorrupted at massive peninsula called battle of Jutland and on the island pigeonholing (406 ), the largest of which be Zealand, Funen , Lolland - Falster and Bornholm . The demesne of the rights of familiarity includes the worlds largest island - Greenland and F berskyye island. actually Denmark administratively divided up into 14 regions ( amtov ) and the capital letter component .\nDenmark - humdrum land . The banks ar lead and the thoroughgoing shoreline is 7.3 km. Forests cut across close 11 % of the country. thither are umteen lakes. Their integral arena is 700 square(a) meters. Km. some all some Denmark is contact by ocean , so the clime is mild, with loyal winds. Wild spiritedness of Denmark in a few, as nigh all of its theater of operations infra farming .\nFor 100 000 long time past these lands were people , but in the era of the support nut hop on life is lots stopped. In the eighth millenary BC ice rink began to bunk easy , firstborn appeared ill vegetation , atomic number 82 to the egression of these places herds of reindeer . subsequently the animals headed north rambli ng tribes of hunters. At the XI ascorbic acid AD Danish and other Scandinavian Vikings began to situate raids on the sliding board of Europe. In 1016 , the Vikings conquered England, and later spread out the limits of their possessions, conquered Germany. In 1397 Denmark get together with its neighbors , Norway and Sweden , but in the coterminous carbon between the collar Scandinavian countries were wars , and Denmark has broken well-nigh of its territories. straightaway its boundaries were outlined in 1920.\n now Denmark - loose country . Her loving earnest system guarantees let go of human beings health care, cultivation and pecuniary aid. 85 % of the world lives in cities and towns and employ principally in the renovation sector. The bill of lively of Denmark in high.'

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